JFK blown away

     John F Kennedy or JFK died on November 22 1963 at 1:00 pm. He died 30 mins after being shot in the head and neck and was rushed to a nearby hospital without regaining conciousness . 3 shots were fired but only two hit JFK the final bullet hit Governor  Connally   in the hand, back, ribs, and his left leg. There is another theory stating that a so called magic bullet had gone strait through both the president and governor. apparently it hit JFK in the right spot and happened to ricochet into the governor in all of those spots and come out with no harm to the bullet itself. [1] This theory has almost been entirely ruled out because how could a single bullet go through the president and the governer and come out intact from a distance of 100 yards. This theory is highly unlikely. There are also some flaws with the multi-shot theory. First off there is the point that a single shooter could not fire 3 shots in a few seconds with a bolt action rifle which is not a auto-matic gun at that distance and at a moving target. There is also the thought that there were more then one shooters but if that was true there would of had to be evedence of some sort. also we only caught one man Harvey Oswald but he was shot before trial. Jfk's death was always a tricky subject since it still isnt known who the murderer was.

     His death was huge. the country moaned as one of the most influential presidents was killed so ubruptly. They were counting on change and for him to fix the problems of our country. He had such great potential only for him to die so suddenly. Jfk was a great presedent and his death is still unknown.


  1. http://www.unexplainedstuff.com/Secret-Societies/The-Magic-Bullet-that-Killed-JFK.html