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Edsel is a no-go

Page history last edited by Edsel 14 years ago



     Ford brand cars in 1957, advertised the Edsel. The ads promised that this new brand of car line would be brand-new, working great, and be the best car of the century.[1] The advertising worked as it caught the attention of the public Americans as they were a total of curious and excited.[2] Promoted on September 4, 1957, on a top rated television show, was the grand opening of the car dealership. many people came to browse around for the Edsel, but no one was purchasing the automobiles. The question that all the car dealers asked, however, was why were nobody buying the new cars? For many reasons actually; for one, the car itself had an unappealing look to it, had mechanical problems, and an "un-catchy" name unlike the 1955 Thunderbird which inspired Ford to make yet another dazzling design.[3] The Edsel is still considered to be Ford's largest mistake, only selling 2, 846 vehicles.[4] In which was the lowest amount of a car brand sold in Ford's history.



     The history of this event was major on the United States not only on its huge mistake of selling the car, but the disappointment of public Americans in the late 1950's. Ford car advertisement did a great job promoting the automobile, however the people who created the the car itself did not. Today, this disaster for well-known brand of automobiles shows how much cars improved with their safety, mechanical parts, and even name choices for the cars. Better engines, airbags and seat-belts, "catchier" names, and gas mileage is now what a true dream car is for most Americans. Also, what the Edsel of 1959 could have been but instead turned into Ford's largest mistake in which is still remembered today.          








  1. Ebscohost http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nfh&AN=2W62W63672635486&site=src-livedies/
  2. Ebscohost http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nfh&AN=2W62W63672635486&site=src-livedies/
  3. Pop Culture Universe by ABC clio htp://popcultureuniverse.com/ford edsel/
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edsel

Comments (3)

Pope Paul said

at 3:34 pm on Sep 23, 2010

I found it interesting that such a huge car company such as ford could make something as much of a failure as the Edsel. I thought that your wiki was very well explained and gave me a thorough understanding of the topic in two easily readable paragraphs. Is there a reason Ford named this car the Edsel?

wheelfortune said

at 4:09 pm on Sep 23, 2010

I thought this car company was very interesting. It gave me a little background information and better understanding

Edsel said

at 5:18 pm on Sep 23, 2010

The reason why they named the car Edsel was because that was the name of the owner of this brand's son.

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