Richard Nixon

                                                        Richard Nixon Information

                     By: Emma Gosden A period Social Studies  9/16/10

                     Richard Nixon Background Information:

Richard Nixon was born in Yorba Linda,California on January 9th,1913.

Nixon also had a nickname Tricky Dick and Nixon got married on June 21st,1940.

Richard was the 36th vice president of the United States for Dwight Eisenhower from the year 1953 to the year 1961.

Nixon was the 37th president of the United States and as president he had two different terms.

His first term was on January 20th,1969 and his second term on January 20th,1973.

Richard lost the 1960 presidential race against John F.Kennedy and was elected for president in 1968 and also he was 56 years old when he had his inauguration. Richard was in office from January 20th,1969 to August 9th,1974 and Richard died at 81 years old on April 22nd,1994.


Richard Nixon historical information why he was historical:

 Nixon was historical because of all the good and bad things he did for example he did a lot of  illegal activity.