Joe McCarthy was born in Appleton Wisconsin, on November 14th 1908, he was the 5th of 9 children. After graduating from college he became a lawyer, unfortunately he was a bad lawyer and didn't make enough money to get by, so for extra money he played poker. after some time he became a judge and quit playing poker as he soon got bigger pay, and could lead a good life style without having to gamble. he became a Governor for his home state of Wisconsin.when WWI began he quit being a judge and joined the marines. after returning from the marines he ran for senate and lied about his military record so he would have a better chance. he became Senator after beating his opponent by a good 1,000 votes. his beginning years as senator where unimpressive, and people became suspicious of his so called amazing military record. he was worried he would lose the next election so he created something today called McCarthysim. which is him accusing people of being communists inside the senate, and the cabinet. this gave him great admiration from the country.
The reason he got so much credit for pointing out the communist, was the fact that the America and Russia were in the midst of the Cold War. McCarthy got some time to come up with another scheme to keep himself in office while the country was focused on keeping out the communists. The years passed and McCarthy stayed with the idea that it was the communist rule that was in the US government. although the senate had by far dismissed that they were no longer being portrayed as senators. McCarthy now began to blame it on Anti-American books written by communist or retired communist. Since the books were the new blame for McCarthy the cabinet removed the publication of over 30,000 books.
On 15th December, 1953 McCarthy's enemies published a story about his wrong doings while being a senator, such as abusing his privileges by not allowing David Schine to be drafted. These accusations, and investigations were televised to show the evil tactics he performed while being a senator. McCarthy who had been drinking for many years wouldn't stop drinking until it killed him on May 2nd, 1957.
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